[Fluxus] pixels-renderer weirdness

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sun Jan 30 11:42:19 PST 2011

Hey, Gabor

> hiding stops rendering, it is a known thing. use (scale 0) as a workaround.
Ok, that makes sense. So we can have several cameras as well as several
renderers and hide relative to cameras and not relative to renderers.

> (colour (vector 0 1)) would give (vector 0 0 0 1), black with full opacity.
> but the problem is with (blur), which also modifies the alpha channel.
Ah! Got it. Can that be fixed at all? How hard would it be to get this
effect on purpose, and be able to set within a pixels-renderer a
transparency relative to the scene behind the renderer as opposed to
relative the clear-colour of this renderer?

>>  because they are written to the depth-buffer. use (hint-ignore-depth),
> and all the faces will be rendered properly.
Again. This part keeps confusing me.

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