[Fluxus] pixels-renderer weirdness

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Sun Jan 30 11:20:58 PST 2011

hi Kassen,

> * For some reason hiding p also makes the animation go away. Is that
> expected behaviour? If at all realistic I'd like to be able to hide p yet
> still have a animated texture.
hiding stops rendering, it is a known thing. use (scale 0) as a workaround.

> * Something here is causing transparency of the texture, but not of the
> pixel primitive. This looks cool but I don't understand where it comes from.
> For a moment I thought that (colour x) was being translated to (colour
> (vector x x x x)) where x=0 would lead to transparency, but (colour 1) also
> gives transparency.
(colour (vector 0 1)) would give (vector 0 0 0 1), black with full 
opacity. but the problem is with (blur), which also modifies the alpha 

> * I also don't understand why it's inconsistent, with some faces being
> transparent when "looking in", others only "looking out". You'll probably
> have to rotate the whole thing about a bit to see what I mean.
because they are written to the depth-buffer. use (hint-ignore-depth), 
and all the faces will be rendered properly.


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