[Fluxus] pixels-renderer weirdness

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Sun Jan 30 15:25:57 PST 2011

> Ah! Got it. Can that be fixed at all? How hard would it be to get this
> effect on purpose, and be able to set within a pixels-renderer a
> transparency relative to the scene behind the renderer as opposed to
> relative the clear-colour of this renderer?
i'm not sure what you want to achieve. would you like a blurred texture 
without transparency on the final cube? it probably can be done with a 
shader overwriting the alpha values, or using another pixel-renderer 
without blur, or using a combination of (blend-mode) with a transparent 
plane without the blur pass.

> Again. This part keeps confusing me.
when an object is rendered, the distance from the camera is stored in 
the depth buffer for every pixel of the object. this depth buffer is a 
2d array, with elements for each screen pixel. if you have for example a 
cube there will be pixels which would be rendered to the same pixel 
coordinate, pixels of back and front faces for example. the graphics 
card compares the two depths and chooses the closer one. this does not 
work with transparent objects. since you need to display every pixel 
regardless of their depth values. if you use (hint-ignore-depth) that's 
what's happening. i hope it's clearer now.


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