[Fluxus] 'polygon

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 12:50:03 PST 2010

Hey Dave!

Nope - convex polygons only. Any concave bits will be filled in.
I got away with some concave corners; my "shop" model has a overhanging
gallery so the side walls have a concave corner, but there I got lucky as
that was originally a 'triangle-fan anyway. That was in a way bad luck as it
made me jump to the conclusion that this should be possible. Is the kind of
thing I was looking for fundamentally impossible in OpenGL?

> I had exactly this problem a few weeks ago and had to connect fake
> wireframes out of ribbons as you describe. It's time consuming though -
> I made a script to display the vertex indices of a polygon object to
> make it easier. I'll try and publish some of this as soon as I can.
I'll get to it. I'll probably use a mixture of scripting and manual jobs. I
did some tests and it doesn't look as good as "real" wire-frames at the
corners. I could try to fake those by filling them in with pixel particles,
depending on how bad it gets.

> The other alternative is some sort of shader, colour dependant on the
> continuity of the surface so the corners change colour or something more
> or less like that. It probably won't look as good.
I thought about that. I'll look into it anyway because I'd like to shade
trees in a different way from buildings. The issue with shaders is that they
know a lot less about how we'd like to interpret the model than we do, which
counts in favour of manual jobs. I noticed that very small differences in
how models of few polygons are displayed make a huge difference in how they
come across.

The Git version with the PLT fix has been great so far,
BTW. Beautifully stable.

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