[Fluxus] usefulness for audio?

Peter Todd circulars at xinaesthetic.net
Sat Oct 25 08:31:33 PDT 2014

ChucK is a lot of fun, I like the ways you can reason with time etc and
always found it quite easy to use while SuperCollider always seemed a bit
obscure in some respects.

I think ChucK has it's limitations in that the language / environment
itself isn't as full featured / general purpose (and I'm not sure it's got
such sophisticated ways of representing musical concepts, like doing
operations on sequences). Also I don't think it's the most active project
these days, but I'm sure there's still a critical mass of enthusiastic
helpful people using it.

Overtone seems like a win/win, given you know and like lisp... I've not
really done anything real with it, but I used it long enough to get a very
good impression of it. scsynth is very mature / well optimised / full
featured etc, while Clojure is a popular modern language with access to
lots of libraries etc.

Have fun!


On 25 October 2014 14:43, plutek infinity <plutek at infinity.net> wrote:

> On 2014-10-25 06:05, David Griffiths wrote:
>> On 25/10/14 03:10, plutek infinity wrote:
>>> so, i'm interested in thoughts any of you might have about the
>>> possibility of fluxus+fluxa really being a viable environment for what
>>> i'm doing; my sense is that it's a real stretch to think that it's truly
>>> appropriate -- which is truly a shame, because it is just simply such a
>>> beautiful and intuitive thing!  :(
>> Fluxa was really only intended as an experiment in a possible way of
>> doing audio, rather than a do-everything production type of thing. I'm
>> still using it for slub gigs quite a lot, but trying to keep it small
>> than add too many features.
>> I would agree with Peter that overtone is probably a good balance for a
>> more complete environment with a lisp interface (also with a really
>> active community), but it would be good to see more diversity in this
>> area.
> thanks a lot, guys... Overtone does look very interesting, and i hadn't
> heard about it! neither of you mentioned ChucK... any thoughts?
> (beginning Overtone installation...)  :)
> cheers!
> .pltk.
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