[Fluxus] shadows and tweakbar

Daniel Berio drand48 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 12:46:13 PDT 2011

Hi Gabor,

sorry for the late reply, but I was in Italy and didn't have a good internet connection.

> sounds nice. would be great to read the configuration from a variable in the ~/.fluxus.scm configuration script, although i think that runs later then the glut setup. what do you think?

Sounds good to me, but wouldn't it be complicated to initialize the interpreter before GLUT?

> would be nice to see how it looks. don't you want to make a branch in the fluxus repo? so everyone can try your modifications and we could easily import them to master. dave can give you access.

I'll be happy to do so if Dave can give me access, I haven't used GIT yet, but don't think it's complicated.
In the meantime I added some simple classes for post-processing and render targets, and it looks pretty good. 
It would be possible to do the same with FFGL but I'm doing a framebuffer copy to keep multisampling and I don't think shadows would work when using the PixelPrimitive, since it doesn't provide a stencil buffer. It would work by using GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT but I don't know how widely it is supported.

> yes, i use gdb.

A quick question regarding gdb, I'm quite new to using it through the command line, and wasn't able to set breakpoints yet ( having trouble with namespaces etc ) could you give me a quick example?
I must say that it's nice to code without using an IDE, maybe i'll get used to it : )

Fluxus is great fun!

On Oct 20, 2011, at 11:43 PM, gabor papp wrote:

> hi Daniel,
>> multisampling in GLUT and the string solution works. It would be also
>> possible to read the string from a configuration file, that way users
>> could modify rendering settings easily.
> sounds nice. would be great to read the configuration from a variable in the ~/.fluxus.scm configuration script, although i think that runs later then the glut setup. what do you think?
>> 2: I had a look @ the shadow volume code, and I modified it to render
>> the shadows by subtracting light from the scene as a postprocess.
> would be nice to see how it looks. don't you want to make a branch in the fluxus repo? so everyone can try your modifications and we could easily import them to master. dave can give you access.
>> 3: I added a reload current script function that gets called with F1,
>> This way I can edit my scripts in an external editor and reload them
>> quickly.
> this is a bit risky if you press f1 by accident during a performance :). one of my colleagues added a modification that reloads the file automatically if it has been changed. these are both nice, although i think we should make the editor good enough so an external editor won't be needed.
>> If any of these are useful I will be happy to send in the code. I had
>> a hard time though with debugging... do you use GDB on OSX?
> yes, i use gdb.
>> Another question regarding the installation of modules. I wanted to
>> install gabor's anttweakbar module but I didn't find any info on how
>> to install it. I installed the lib, and then tried putting tw.ss in
>> modules/scheme but when I open the demo file I get this error message
> you don't have to put tw.ss in modules/scheme. if you have the command line version of fluxus, not the app, you can just run fluxus from the folder when the example and tw.ss are.
> basically if you use (require "tw.ss") then racket looks for tw.ss in the current directory. the other way is to use the form (require something/tw), where you have to place the tw.ss file on the collects path in the 'something' folder. in osx ~/Documents/Fluxus/collects is in the collects path, so probably that's the easiest to use.
> probably you also need to change the require's in tw.ss from fluxus-017 to fluxus-018.
> best,
> gabor

Daniel Berio
drand48 at gmail.com

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