[Fluxus] texture types (was Re: png diagonal oddness)

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 13:02:04 PST 2011

> Oh yes, you attached the textures to the bug report :)
I did. In the interest of my peers being able to verify my findings :¬)

> Also, on the power of two issue - my thinking on this was that if you
> were generating mipmaps (the default in fluxus) gluBuild2DMipmaps[1]
> should take care of this for you by scaling up/down and correcting. If
> you have mipmap generation off then it's going a much lower level route,
> so you are on your own with these calculations.
I'm not, here. This just the plain default. Here is all the code that's
involved in this;

(define terras-bord (load-primitive

(define terras-skins
    (let ((dir "fluxus/twintowers/terras/"))
            (lambda (x)
                (load-texture (string-append dir (path->string x))))
            (directory-list dir))))

(with-primitive terras-bord
    (recalc-normals 0)
    (emissive (vector .7 .7 .8))
    (texture (pick1 terras-skins)))

Sorry, but we have a naming convention that dictates that everything on the
"street" be named in Dutch. "bord" means "sign". Not sure why we did that as
it'd make eventually open-sourcing this or inviting collaboration if we'd
like to go that route a lot harder. I think it sounded funny at the time.

> All of this gloriously missing from the documentation I suspect...
> I think it's all a bit more complicated than we suspected so far. A
correspondent of mine just pointed out that there are big differences
between "png8" and "png24" as well. She too immediately suspected alpha
channels, but I really don't think I'm using any.

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