[Fluxus] fluxus on android

David Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Fri Apr 15 06:59:28 PDT 2011

Hi all,

On Fri, 2011-04-15 at 15:23 +0200, Kassen wrote:
> Federico;
>         You are not supposed to be able to put an interpreter
>         environment, but you
>         have http://www.mobileappsystems.com/products/iluabox, so what
>         do you think?
> Another issue might be that Apple's NDA for the IOS SDK seems to go
> against the TOPLAP spirit. Clearly that hasn't been a problem for
> everyone, for example Nick Collins released a puzzle/experiment/toy
> for the iPhone that's related to livecoding (apparently, I have yet to
> see it in person), but it's something to consider. Personally I see a
> bit of a conflict between Apple's "You can't talk about coding for
> this" stance there and the "Come look at my code, it's fun!"
> perspective the Fluxus promotes.
> I'm not promoting a purist hard-liner stance here; I too enjoy the
> framerates of NVidea's binary blob drivers, but it's something to
> consider.

The critical factor for me is that with android I can just upload a
package somewhere[1] and people can use it. Having to ask permission all
the time is a return to the bad old days of controlled media. 

I don't think Apple are "evil" etc etc, it's simply the necessary side
effect of a fairly old fashioned business model.

This explains the problem quite well: 



[1] http://www.pawfal.org/dave/files/fluxus.apk

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