[Fluxus] fluxus on android

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 06:51:22 PDT 2011

> So i think far from being open, Apple is... softening, so it not might be
> against Toplap spirit :)
Ah! Thank you, I didn't know about those things. I had only read about the
NDA and what seemed to amount to a outright ban on FOSS, then didn't hear a
thing. Maybe this was another case of "The sky is falling!" being news
worthy and "Oh, wait, it's not any more" not being so news worthy?

I stand corrected.


(of course a iPad might be needed to create a screen of sufficient size for
TOPLAP-compliant picknicks, I heard robot-ants are send, controlled by
special digital cordyceps, if your picknick doesn't comply)
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