[Fluxus] MIDI clock

Greg gowiththeflow at free.fr
Thu Dec 9 05:00:23 PST 2010

On 09/12/2010 13:10, Kassen wrote:
>     As fluxus is quite tied to the "experimental" scene, I guess I'll
>     have to address this...
> I'd like to address that remark with a video clip; 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwNrmYRiX_o
> That's 5/8 and catchy. I mostly play straightforward dance stuff too, BTW.
>     I've found this: http://ogloton.free.fr/midi/messages_systeme.html
>     It seems "time signature" and "bar marker" messages exist... I
>     have to understand what they do exactly ^^ and I'll come back with
>     a proposal for new functions!
> My French is quite limited. Are you sure you're not thinking about 
> timecode there? MIDI timicode isn't the same as MIDI clock, I fear.

Uh, I didn't even realize it was in French ^^
Here's a better one: http://www.jososoft.dk/yamaha/articles/midi_10.htm


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