[Fluxus] physics skinning

Artem Baguinski artm at v2.nl
Mon Dec 1 13:54:24 PST 2008

hi all

At the moment i make my worms from active cylinders connected by
physical joints. At some point i'd like to use this simple model as a
skeleton for single mesh worms - sort of what is called ragdoll

But there is a catch: active objects aren't parented to each other and
skinning api won't recognize a skeleton. I don't want to add more
functions, I would prefer to make the current API know what I mean :-)
The heuristic could be: if the skinning root is physical object I'll
find what's connected to it via joints, otherwise - follow the
parenting links like it does now. Will this break anything?

I'll be deciding this not sooner then next week, or may be even later.
But I'm already thinking about it and pretty much know how to
implement it when I get to. I just don't want to break anything.


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