[Fluxus] show-fps crash ubuntu lucid

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sun Sep 15 04:41:47 PDT 2013

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 01:16:32PM +0000, wandering free wrote:
>    Hi,
>    I have been reading this list for the past few days, and finally decided
>    to join.
>    So glad to have found you all - it has been quite difficult getting fluxus
>    info on the net.

Welcome on board! You are in the right place for FLuxus info.

>    Now however, if any code uses (show-fps 1), fluxus crashes out, with
>    "Aborted" as the only error message...
>    I tried using (show-fps 2) yesterday when I discovered it existed, and
>    this totally crashed the gnome gdm, putting it into some kind of endless
>    loop.

This is a bit strange and I can't reproduce this with (show-fps 1) or
2. Not sure where you found the "2" version or what should be
different about it, but at least it doesn't crash here.

So, lacking any proper data I have some "gut feeling" suggestions. I
Think show-fps had some surprising interactions with opacity a while
ago. Can you verify that using opacity without show-fps (just create
some semi-transparent cubes) is ok?

Are you perhaps using a desktop environment with those fancy 3d and
transparency effects? Those have in the past led to issues with

Another thing I wonder about is why you went with sources from a
Ubuntu repository. If you are willing to build your own I'd recommend
the Git version (instructions are on our site) as that should have
more fixed bugs and more features. This may help and if it doesn't
you'll at least be on the version the dev's use which may make
diagnosing and fixing issues easier.

>    When I dropped out into one of the base terminals (ctrl+alt+f1), and
>    attempted "sudo gdm stop" - this did not even work...I just had to reboot.

If GDM is caught in a loop and you wish to avoid rebooting you could
try killing the X server altogether. You'll lose all programs that ran
under it though. If it doesn't restart itself 'startx' should do the

>    Any ideas would be hugely welcomed.
>    Kind regards.
>    I hope to be posting more interesting stuff in the near future.

Bug reports are interesting, I think. This one may take a while to
diagnose though as there really is very little to go on, but we can
try to collect more info and run tests.


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