[Fluxus] tesselation of poly objects?

Rolf Meinecke fluxus at jsilence.org
Mon Feb 4 10:27:26 PST 2013


I'd like to deconstruct a blender.obj.

When I simply displace the position pdata, there are gaps between the polygons.

(define obj (load-primitive "bot.obj"))
(with-primitive obj
	(pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vadd p (vmul (crndvec) 0.1))) "p")

Is there a way to deform an object like a nurb-sphere?
Such that the skin of the object is still (mostly) closed?

(define obj (build-nurbs-sphere 10 10))
(with-primitive obj
	(pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vadd p (vmul (crndvec) 0.1))) "p")


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