[Fluxus] drflux undefined symbol

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Tue May 22 16:53:14 PDT 2012

Dear all,

I'm trying to get drfulx to work on a laptop running a 64 bit version
of Ubuntu 11.10. Fluxus compiled fine there and works properly. 

Now I'd like to use drflux to control Fluxa from vim, I have had this
working nicely on my desktop for a while now. However, here
commandline racket keeps getting stuck at fluxus-engine_ss.so having a
undefined symbol: __glewUniform4fv

At first I thought I must be missing one of the optional libraries for
racket's GL canvas but I really think I have all of those now and that
also gave a different error, I remember. This looks more like some
library that is found when Fluxus is compiled is somehow not found at
runtime in that context.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I could fix this? At first I thought
about simply making a sort of "drfluxa" which would essentially be
drflux without the OpenGl canvas (which I don't need for Fluxa, after
all) but that is looking non-trivial so it's back to trying to tell
the computer that we do in fact have Glew installed....


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