[Fluxus] time while rendering

Rob Couto dbtx11 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 15:47:44 PDT 2012

On 6/2/12, Kassen <signal.automatique at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the more in-depth explanaton of your strategie.
> I don't think this is "thread jacking" at all; I ran into a issue and
> you are working on a sollution; that's a perfectly sensible pair of
> things to have in a thread. As far as I can tell the title still
> completely matches the content.

You're welcome, and ok, that's cool.

> Livecoding both Fluxus and FLuxa at the same time turned out to be
> disilusioningly hardcore for me.

That is pretty hardcore. I would sooner guess that you would have only
an audio visualization running behind the editor that controls fluxa
which feeds the vizualizer.

> However we could imagine that
> somebody would create a little system that would generate shapes and
> sounds in one swoop, like draw a shpere at every bass note and a cube
> at every snare, with parameters affecting both sound and video. That
> could work and we might like to record it.

Just an aside-- you could do that in a very flexible way with only
some additions to fluxa, I think... it listens to fluxus over osc,
right? So it only needs to become a two-way street, and fluxus would
listen for note-triggered events with pitch and voice, etc. and act
accordingly. But I know it's a bit harder than that.

> I asked about the separate repository because with a savannah account
> you could pull from master yet push to your own branch and keep
> automatic sync. That's what I do and most of the time that's quite
> pleasant.

Ah, now I catch on. I was basically only following suit because I
remembered Gabor had been keeping experimental things up on gitorious.
There's also openal-soft with experimental jack playback in another
repo, which Works For Me Last Time I Checked :) It's still rather
easy, I just "git pull origin master" and "git push gitorious
<branch>" now and then. Once I figured out that I should never use
"origin" as the name of the gitorious.org remote in my local repos, it
was a piece of cake. It's funny because their setup instructions
include "git remote add origin <their-url>", and I believed it...
anyway, it's all good.

So, I'm going to try to isolate those process hacks. And make them less hacky.


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