[Fluxus] time while rendering

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 14:11:30 PDT 2012

On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 04:36:19PM -0400, Rob Couto wrote:
> Sorry for jacking your thread, and thanks again :)

Thanks for the more in-depth explanaton of your strategie.
I don't think this is "thread jacking" at all; I ran into a issue and
you are working on a sollution; that's a perfectly sensible pair of
things to have in a thread. As far as I can tell the title still
completely matches the content.

I quite like your strategies, particularly the ideas on how scripts
would stay compattible with all ways of dealing with sound. About the
FLuxa thing; I think it'd be really nice to have that option.
Livecoding both Fluxus and FLuxa at the same time turned out to be
disilusioningly hardcore for me. However we could imagine that
somebody would create a little system that would generate shapes and
sounds in one swoop, like draw a shpere at every bass note and a cube
at every snare, with parameters affecting both sound and video. That
could work and we might like to record it.

I asked about the separate repository because with a savannah account
you could pull from master yet push to your own branch and keep
automatic sync. That's what I do and most of the time that's quite


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