[Fluxus] Warning in my booting...

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 00:45:58 PDT 2011

On 6 October 2011 23:40, sebastian Velasco Sodi <sebastoporro at gmail.com>wrote:

> I have this problem  booting fluxus... Can some one explain to me what is
> it and how do I solve it. Im pretty new, like this afternoon new in
> fluxus...I'm a musician who works with SuperCollider.

Cool, welcome!

> "Welcome to fluxus.
> Type(help) for info.
> Warning: Can´t do multitexturing (no glActiveTexture or
> GELW_ARB_multitexture not set)"

Ah, yes. This refers to the capabilities of your graphics hardware, which in
your case doesn't support "multi-texturing". Multi-texturing refers to using
multiple textures on a single object, for example covering your model of a
house with a texture of bricks, then putting a texture representing a door
or window on top of that. I think that the alternate explanation is that
Fluxus somehow got compiled with support for this turned off. Yet another
possibility is that your hardware can do it and your Fluxus too but that
your graphical card's driver somehow got mis-configured.

It's not a huge problem; you can certainly have years of fun without any
need to use multiple textures. If you are sure the hardware should be
capable of such things we can look into the other factors that affect this.
To be honest; I do think that support for things like this will be
co-related to the speed of the hardware and sorting it out if possible
should likely gain you some frames per second.

Hope that helps a bit,
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