[Fluxus] pixels-renderer weirdness

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Sun Jan 30 23:45:11 PST 2011

> Check. Then that covers the blur. Actually, what I thought about here was
> that it could be nice to "poke holes" in solid planes using the pixel
> renderer and getting the silhouette of a model as the "hole". I think I can
this can be done with a shader easily for example by inverting the alpha 

(define p (build-pixels 256 256 #t))
(with-primitive p (scale 0))

(define hole-vert
     void main(void)
         gl_Position = ftransform();
         gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;

(define hole-frag
     uniform sampler2D txt;

     void main(void)
         vec4 c = texture2D(txt, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);
         gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(c), 1. - c.a);

(define (animate)
     (with-pixels-renderer p
             (clear-colour #(0 0)) ; transparent clear colour
             (rotate (vector (* 82 (time))
                     (* 11 (time))
                     (* 8 (time))))
             (scale 5)
             (colour #(1 1)) ; opaque cube
     (clear-colour #(0 0 1))

         (translate #(-.1 .5 -1))

     ; plane with a cube hole using a shader inverting alpha
         (texture (pixels->texture p))
         (shader-source hole-vert hole-frag)

(every-frame (animate))

> do that too already, with a transparent clear colour, a plane to cover it,
> then a object before that plane that has it's origin behind it. That would
> make the transparency go "wrong" which would be exactly what I'd like.
i'm not sure how it would work with your method. i would be curious to 
see. other option would be to use stencil buffers, which are especially 
for these kind of things, but we have to implement them in fluxus first :).


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