[Fluxus] scons library oddness

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 14:40:55 PST 2011

Dear list,

I just re-build Fluxus as a HD issue forced me to move to a new Linux
install a bit ago.

In this process I just moved all of my old home-dir to the new one. Then I
had git update my source, ran "scons -c" and hoped I could simply re-build
it all with scons.

This failed; scons unexpectedly claimed I was missing libtiff, while I was
sure I had it. Eventually I simply deleted all of my clone of git, made a
new one and this compiled without a hitch. End good, all good. The newer
Ubuntu probably has some newer libtiff.

On the bad side; this seems to imply that "scons -c" doesn't actually clean
everything. I expected "git pull origin master" then "scons -c" to yield the
exact same result as making a new clone, with "scons" after either option
yielding the same result.

Maybe this is expected behaviour? Maybe we have a bug somewhere?

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