[Fluxus] Fluxus on Ubuntu

Peter Bouda pbouda at cidles.eu
Fri Aug 12 07:37:37 PDT 2011


I am totally new to Racket and Fluxus, so excuse if this is maybe a 
stupid questions... I installed both Fluxus and Racket from their Ubuntu 
PPA's (on Ubuntu 10.10; ppa:fluxus-maintainers/stable and 
ppa:plt/racket). When I start "fluxus" now I get the message:

$ fluxus
/usr/share/racket/collects/scheme/compiled/pretty_rkt.zo::0: read 
(compiled): code compiled for version 5.1.2, not 5.1.1

It seems that the Racket PPA has a newer version than Fluxus was 
compiled (?) against. Is their an easy way to solve this, without 
re-compiling anything? I would really like to use the PPAs...


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