[Fluxus] couple of editor fixes

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 09:38:11 PDT 2011

> One thing I would recommend is running valgrind on fluxus to check for
> hidden memory problems, especially for the fragile editor code.
OK, I can try but I'll have to learn how to use it. Right now I don't expect
this to introduce new (kinds of) memory problems as it's heavy on the
"educated copy-pasting" but it might make existing memory issues worse.

> One a related note, do you have your scheme editor code around Kassen?
> There was some posted to the list which I have, but I'm not sure if it's
> the most up to date version.
Sadly it is... I got that one to work, then lost my motivation at the time
as my main question was whether it was possible at all. I'm pasting the
proof of concept "editor" as I have it now for reference;
(define all_characters (string->list "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
(define my_text "")

(define (eval-string input)
     (eval (read (open-input-string input))))

(define (keyb-out)
    (let ((output null))
        (map (lambda (x) (when (key-pressed-this-frame (string x))
                        (set! output (cons (string x) output))))

(define (typing)
    (let ((newchars (keyb-out)))
        (for ((x (in-range 0 (length newchars))))
            (set! my_text (string-append my_text (list-ref newchars x)))))
    (when (and (key-pressed-this-frame (string #\backspace))
            (> (string-length my_text) 0))
        (set! my_text (substring my_text 0 (- (string-length my_text) 1))))
    (when (key-pressed-this-frame (string #\return))
        (set! my_text (string-append my_text "\n")))
    (when (key-special-pressed-this-frame 1) (eval-string my_text))
    (if (> (string-length my_text) 0)
        (print my_text)



This depends on my "dramatic debugging" experiment, the latest version of
which I'll paste now;

;the normal output ports, we'll insert our own before these
(define defport (current-output-port))
(define erport (current-error-port))

;keep track of what we have printed,mainly so we can get rid of it again
;also for scaling
(define scene-messages (list ))
(define scene-messages-txt (list ))
(define last-message-time -1)
(define scene-messages-scale 1)

;the colours to print various message types in
(define error-colour (vector 10 0  0))
(define info-colour  (vector 0  10 0))
(define print-colour (vector 1  1  1))
(define debug-colour print-colour)

;get rid of the printed text again
(define (clear-print)
    (for-each (lambda (x) (when (number? x) (destroy x))) scene-messages)
    (set! scene-messages (list ))
    (set! scene-messages-txt (list ))
    (set! scene-messages-scale 1))


;prints to the screen in letters as big as will fit
(define (print in-msg)
    (let ((output-list (list null)) (msg ""))
            ((string? in-msg)     (set! msg in-msg))
            ((bytes? in-msg)      (set! msg (bytes->string/utf-8 in-msg)))
            ((number? in-msg)     (set! msg (number->string in-msg)))
            ((symbol? in-msg)     (set! msg (symbol->string in-msg)))
            ((boolean? in-msg)    (set! msg (if in-msg "#t" "#f")))
                    (error "type not supported by print")
                    (set! msg ""))))

    (when (and (zero? (string-length msg)) (key-special-pressed-this-frame
5)) (clear-print))

    (when (> (string-length msg) 0) ;we seem to be getting a length 0
message every frame

        (when (< last-message-time (time)) ;used to gather lines of the same
            (set! last-message-time (time)))

        ;join the input with the last printed line, in case that line didn't
end in a newline
        (when (not (null? scene-messages-txt) )
            (set! msg (string-append (car scene-messages-txt) msg))
            (set! scene-messages-txt (cdr scene-messages-txt))
            (when (number?(car scene-messages)) (destroy (car
            (set! scene-messages (cdr scene-messages)))

        ;convert string to list, then sort that into a list of strings, one
for every line to be printed
        ;also get rid of extra newline characters that aren't implicid in
the list structure
        (let ((in-list (string->list msg)))
            (for ((x (in-range 0 (length in-list))))
                (if (char=? (list-ref in-list x) #\newline)
                        (when (or (and (< x (- (length in-list) 1))
                                       (char=? (list-ref in-list (+ x 1))
                                   (eq? x (- (length in-list) 1)))
                            (set! output-list (cons (list #\newline )
output-list )))
                        (set! output-list (cons null output-list )))
                    (set! output-list (cons (append (car output-list) (list
(list-ref in-list x))) (cdr output-list)))))
            (set! output-list (map list->string (reverse output-list))))

        ;print each line to build-type and scale the whole thing
        (for-each (lambda (output)
            (when (> (string-length output) 0)

                (set! scene-messages-scale
                        (/ .8 (string-length output))
                        (/ .4 (+ (length scene-messages) 1))

                    (colour debug-colour)

                    (set! scene-messages
                        (cons (if (string=? output "\n")
                                    (build-type fluxus-scratchpad-font
                             scene-messages ))
                    (set! scene-messages-txt (cons output

                (for ((x (in-range 0 (length scene-messages))))
                    (when (number? (list-ref scene-messages x))
                        (with-primitive (list-ref scene-messages x)
                            (concat (minverse (get-camera-transform)))
                            (translate (vector -1.05 0 -1.1))
                            (scale scene-messages-scale)
                            (translate (vector 0 (+ (* -2 (length
scene-messages)) (* 4 x) ) 0)))))

 ; a port that prints to the scene graph

(define scene-port
       (lambda (s start end non-block? breakable?)
               (set! debug-colour info-colour)
               (print (subbytes s start end))
               (set! debug-colour print-colour)
               (display (subbytes s start end) defport)

         (- end start))

(define scene-error-port
       (lambda ( s start end non-block? breakable? )
             (set! debug-colour error-colour)
             (print (subbytes s start  end ))
             (set! debug-colour print-colour)
             (display (subbytes s start  end ) erport)

         (- end start))

(current-output-port scene-port)
(current-error-port scene-error-port)

*Load that ports stuff (that's from my .fluxus.scm) then run the editor.
*Hide the scratchpad text
*type "(build-cube)"
*hit "F1"

I think there are some nice ideas there and as long as you don't go beyond
those instructions it works (backspace works too...). I am however not
making any claims about the sanity of any of this. I wouldn't at all be
surprised if it -for example- leaked memory by the truckload. It's so silly
that the file is called "stupid-edit.scm" here. Also note that running that
output-port stuff twice will cause issues. On top of that I can't stress
enough that if anyone wants to tinker with the error-port code (s)he should
save all open files because a error in the error port will very quickly get
your computer stuck.

Just warning, of course it's also great fun, which is why I did this ;¬)

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