[Fluxus] couple of editor fixes

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 08:08:47 PDT 2011

> It has been discuss i think, but wouldn'tbe great to add a couple of
> functions which are equivalent to the F5 and F6 shortcut?
> I could need this, but I'm thinking to the livecoding by osc too.
I'm not sure I get what you mean. Do you mean something like [ctrl+e] which
is essentially the same as F5 or like "(eval ....)" which will evaluate a
given expression? Or something new entirely? I'd be in favour of developing
some new and exciting ideas together because right now scratchpad is about
as advanced as Notepad or Nano without the undo. Not having a undo should
count as a feature, I feel, but we could use some new and fresh ideas.
Preferably non-intimidating yet handy ones.

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