[Fluxus] proof of concept

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 07:11:25 PDT 2010

> Looks like we'll soon be able to delete the C++ text editor code - which
> would be a relief to be honest :)
Maybe that's a bit soon... but now it's clear that it's possible and it
wouldn't be as hard as I thought nor require as much code to get started. I
was really quite surprised by how far that simple example got us.

In defence of the C++ one it has to be remarked that nobody is thinking of
using it to write a breakout clone where the "bricks" are pieces of text,
that contains the source of the game, then update the code while it runs. I
think that could be done.

Or have "debug-wires" that draw lines from the object to the command in the
source that created it. That could probably be done too.

Or performances that consist entirely of editing what the code looks like
and how it moves.

All very silly and unpractical ideas that we are now relatively safe from.

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