[Fluxus] Hi and where (and what) are the examples?

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Thu Oct 7 15:36:25 PDT 2010


Good tips - the ctrl-0 page did the trick - now I understand how it works.
The repl (read evaluate print loop) is basically like a dialogue between you
and the computer. You type in a bit of scheme syntax and out comes whatever
this evaluates to. You can use it as a manual using (help ) or as a
calculator or to quickly test out small bits of code. You can also type in
the name of a variable to check it's current value and so on.

This is also where errors end up so if your code doesn't seem to do anything
switching to it will often tell you what's wrong.

It's quite unlike anything you will see in most other languages and very
handy indeed.

Have fun!
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