[Fluxus] Re vertnumber list

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Fri Oct 1 13:59:09 PDT 2010

hi Luis,

> What I am wondering is if i can know which is the number of a vert
> that is for example on the fron of a shape.
it's difficult to tell, since each shape is generated by a different 

i attached a small script that puts the vertex index next to the vertex.


(define f "DejaVuSansMono.ttf")

(define p (build-icosphere 2))

(define (show-vertex-numbers p)
     (with-primitive p
         (for ([i (in-range (pdata-size))])
             (let ([t (build-type f (number->string i))]
                   [pos (pdata-ref "p" i)])
                 (with-primitive t
                     (backfacecull 0)
                     (colour #(1 0 0))
                     (translate pos)
                     (scale .02))))))

(show-vertex-numbers p)

it works fine for indexed polyprimitives. the problem is that faces of 
ordinary primitives have vertices at the same position, so the index 
labels are displayed on top of each other. still you might have an idea 
about the index of a given vertex.


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