[Fluxus] commits - interpolation order mixup

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 12:46:34 PST 2010

> let us know if you encounter these kinds of confusing things.
Point taken, I will.

One thing I'd like to add to this is that functions named things like
"vlerp" become a whole lot more memorable and hence practical if it's
clarified what the abbreviation stands for, especially where they look like
they could conceivably be words.

So, for vmix I'd like the documentation to say;

"Vector MIX. Linearly interpolates [etc]"

Note the capitalisation to indicate where the letters came from.

Learning to use a system like Fluxus means learning about the vocabulary of
3d math, of computer graphics, potentially encountering new English words
for some and on top of that learning the names of functions and constructs.
The more structure and coherency it all has the easier this will go down.

"vlerp", to me, now means "Vector Linear -erm- something", which I'm betting
is a lot harder to remember than it's real meaning

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