[Fluxus] commits: icosphere

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 16:08:58 PDT 2010

>  Control over the number of faces isn't as granular but the options that
>> are
> i didn't think we need more control, but if there are some ideas, i would
> be happy to improve the function.
No, seems fine. I can't really imagine a realistic situation where some n
would lead to shapes that are too angular yet n+1 would lead to cpu/gpu
issues that could otherwise be avoided. I never really used different
numbers for build-sphere anyway so one should do. Torus is way better for
getting interesting use out of setting resolution in creative ways.

> your icosphere stacking scripts is great :).
Build-in objects that inspire are great.

Can't we somehow abstract this stuff
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyhedroninto a equation that would get
us all of the basic (platonic) ones and a
good amount of the not so basic ones from a few numbers? That should be
great fun. I'm not so sure how hard that would be but a good range of
non-arbitrary generative shapes would be great to have. Writing whole
equations inside of pdata-set! expressions is nice as a powertool but a bit
on the hardcore side for live performance.

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