[Fluxus] voxels location offset bug?

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 13:56:22 PDT 2010

Dear list,

Consider this;

(clear-colour 1)
    (wire-colour 0)
    (scale 3)

(define test
        (scale 2.4)
        (translate (vector -.335 -.335 -.335))  ;Note this line
        (build-voxels 3 3 3)))

(with-primitive test
    (voxels-sphere-solid (vector 0 0 0) (vector 2 0 0 0.2) 3))

Voxels seem to need a translation, that depends on their "voxel resolution
vector" parameter, in order to keep the centre of the voxel at the voxel's
nominal location.
I don't think that's expected/proper behaviour.

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