[Fluxus] emacs, osc, etc...

nik gaffney nik at fo.am
Wed Mar 25 04:42:18 PDT 2009

> How can an I use emacs with fluxus ? (no offense to the livecodedisplaying
> idea but I spent way too much time bashing emacs into shape, I (semi-live)
> code all the supercollider stuff there too so it would be just a perfect

i think there have been a few changes to on the fluxus side since i had
this working, but something like...

;; osc evaluator
;;   test with > sendOSC -h 88008 /code '(build-sphere 12 12)'

(define (osc-repl)
  (cond ((osc-msg "/code")
	 (display "eval..")(newline)
	 (eval-string (osc-peek)))
	((osc-msg "/ping")
	 (begin (display "ping... ")

(osc-source "88008")

(add-frame-function (osc-repl))

. .. and on the emacs side, something like.. .

(require 'osc) ;; see http://delysid.org/emacs/osc.html

(setf fluxus-client (osc-make-client "localhost" 88008))

(defun fluxus-send-text (start end)
  (osc-send-message fluxus-client
		    (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))

(defun fluxus-send-region ()
  "send a region to fluxus via osc .."
  (fluxus-send-text (region-beginning) (region-end)))

(defun fluxus-send-buffer ()
  "send the current buffer to fluxus via osc.. ."
  (fluxus-send-text (point-min) (point-max)))

(defun fluxus-send-via-shell (start end)
  (shell-command-on-region start end
			   "sendOSC -h 88008 /code "))

(defun osc-make-client (host port)
   :name "OSC client"
   :host host
   :service port
   :type 'datagram
   :family 'ipv4))

(defun fluxus-cleanup ()
   (delete-process fluxus-client))

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