[Fluxus] fbo-pixels merged to master

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Sat Jul 25 01:56:18 PDT 2009

> I can't remember if it ever worked properly on my laptop - it works on
> the mac here, so I'll look into it further...
yes, if i remember correctly you had to download and upload the texture 
contents to make it work.
the thing is if you upload a texture, the mipmaps are automatically 
generated because of this:

but this only works if you use glTex(Sub)Image2D() or similar, but won't 
work after rendering to the fbo. you have to generate the mipmaps 
manually by calling glGenerateMipmapEXT after unbinding the fbo, which 
is done in the Unbind function. it would be worth checking out that part 
of the code.


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