[Fluxus] Unresolved Symbols

Nicklas Marelius nicklas at assertfail.org
Thu Dec 10 08:18:44 PST 2009


i've had little success in building the 016 sources on darwin.  
( 10.5.8 )

whereas the --app build fails due to unresolved symbols from libGLEW.a  
( _glXGetProcAddressARB  and so on )

the reqular build segfaults for what seems like the same reason in  

so there is a problem with libGLEW which is the 1.5.1 from macports

The readme specifies to use libGLEW 1.3.4 which sort of contradicts  
the build instructions to "port install glew" as the current macport  
is 1.5.1

So which version of what should i be using ?

a part from that it's brilliant :)


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