[Fluxus] Hi all

Claude Heiland-Allen claudiusmaximus at goto10.org
Wed Sep 10 11:02:29 PDT 2008

lucas samaruga wrote:
> (define (render n f)
>     (cond ((not (zero? n))

Small point, what happens if you have n < 0 ?

>         (build-sphere 10 10)


>             (render (- n 1) f)
>             (render (- n 1) f)
>             (render (- n 1) f)
>             (render (- n 1) f)
>             (render (- n 1) f)
>             (render (- n 1) f)


At each level you have a sphere, and also 6 of the next level down.  So 
as you increase the level, you have 6x the number of spheres, which goes 
  up pretty quickly.

> ;(render 10 4) ; for a hang

This gives you over 6^10 spheres, which is quite a lot (more than 60 

So not surprising you get problems :)

(for comparison, I have a fractal I wrote in C, with "only" 1 million 
single points, and that takes about 1/2 a second per frame to draw).


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