[Fluxus] git, names and jack ports

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Tue Sep 2 05:31:02 PDT 2008

> A couple easy ones:
> * Are there a public git repositories for fluxus and the livenoisetools?

Not yet - savannah has git repos availible, so I added a task to look into
switching: https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?8507
As long as we keep all the history, I'm all for it. Do you want savannah

> * Is there another list for livenoisetools development, or is this the
> place?
> I've just got my new monitors and an Edirol FA-66 firewire interface
> setup and working with jack (oh the pain), but it doesn't work with the
> livenoise stuff because the jack ports are named system:playback_1 and 2
> instead of alsa_pcm:playback_1 and 2.  I think this is because of a new
> alsa version.
> It works if I change the hard-coded lines setting the jack output port:
>      Jack->ConnectOutput(Left,"system:playback_1");
> So maybe ConnectOutput should return a value if it fails or not, so we
> can try system: if alsa_pcm: fails?  That should cover the old and new
> versions without needing commandline args.
> This also got me thinking that it would be nice to auto-setup port
> numbers rather than having to keep track of things and specify it on the
> command line.  How about using default ports for tools like Itchy and
> Scratchy (or is it noiselab, noiseweapon?)  If multiple instances is
> typical each one could get a range of ports where each instance grabs
> the first available.  Probably not necessary for now.
> If either or both of these sound good I can make my git repo available
> for pulling, or figure out how to make CVS patches.

I think the official line from me is that you should switch to using fluxa.

As well as fixing this issue (being able to set the jack ports on the
commandline), I intend supporting/documenting it properly - rather than
itchy and scratchy which were much more quick fixes for my personal needs

Is there some feature of these apps which you absolutely need? Most of the
dsp code in fluxa is exactly the same, but it's interface is very
different - I intend to make it more compatible, but time is as ever the

> P.S.  I'm still planning on hacking the editor to use scheme, but I
> wanted to get everything up and running first so I can have some fun in
> the meantime...




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