[Fluxus] fluxus-midi

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Tue Jun 3 13:14:09 PDT 2008

i'm not sure if anyone is interested in this, but i started to work on a 
fluxus midi module. the first basic version is available here:


the simplest way to install it is to extract the contents in the modules 
directory, add fluxus-midi to the dirs in modules/SConscript and run scons.

works in linux and osx.


(midi-info) - returns the available midi hardware list
(midi-init n) - initialises hw n
(midi-cc c n) - returns value of controller n at channel c (0-127)
(midi-ccn c n) - normalised value of controller n (0-1)


(require fluxus-015/fluxus-midi)

(display (midi-info))(newline)

(midi-init 1)

(define (midi-test)
     (scale (vector (midi-ccn 0 1) (midi-ccn 0 2) (midi-ccn 0 3)))

(every-frame (midi-test))


i was not sure what to do about the garbage collection of midi_info, 
where a list of pairs is returned. i would be grateful for any help.

any comments are welcome.


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