[Fluxus] V2_ | Announcement: Test_Lab: Live_Coding. December 13th, 2007, 20:00h, V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012XL, Rotterdam.

Artem Baguinski artm at v2.nl
Tue Nov 20 08:44:34 PST 2007

Test_Lab: Live_Coding

Code as an interface for improvisation and networked performances.

December 13th, 2007,  20:00h,  V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media,
Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012XL, Rotterdam.
 This event will be streamed live at http://live.v2.nl/livecoding.ram

Featuring: Powerbooks_Unplugged (D/NL), Florian Cramer (Piet Zwart
Institute, D/NL), Carla Mulder (Lange Poten Theatre Group, NL), Susie
Jae (aka. Jean Van Sloan, US/NL), and V2_Lab.

A relatively new programming paradigm called Live Coding is redefining
the way in which software can be applied in live performances. While
improvisation has a long history in the arts, the traditional edit ›
compile › run programming model limits software use to predetermined
procedures running alongside a performance; allowing a programmer very
limited improvisation, live alteration, or adjustment of the software
during runtime. In contrast with this traditional model, Live Coding
provides expressive control over software code during runtime, which
allows for live (artistic) improvisation by programmers.

In Live Coding, programmers no longer technically assist performers;
they are (co-)performers, using code as an interface to improvise with
either different types of performers (ranging from dancers to DJs) or
in networks with other live coders.

Test_Lab: Live_Coding will feature debates and presentations on Live
Coding, a networked code jamming performance, live coded music,
introductions and hands-on experiences in Live Coding programming
languages for code improvisation, and a live coded Augmented Reality

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