[fluxus] Dual-core question

Glauber Prado glauberalex at uol.com.br
Sun Jul 8 15:41:10 PDT 2007

dave wrote:
> Hi Gerry,
> On Fri, 2007-07-06 at 23:54 -0300, Glauber Prado wrote:
>> Gerry Grainger wrote:
>>> Hello again. Sorry - you're probably getting sick of the sound of me 
>>> by now, but I have a quick question: is there a way of optimising 
>>> fluxus to take advantage of dual-core systems? I'm running the most 
>>> processor-intensive scripts I can think of, and they only seem to use 
>>> one core.
>>> Just wondering, is all.
>>> Gerry.
>> Hi you are welcome, this is a question that Dave will have a better 
>> answer i didnt saw any signals about parallelization yet in fluxus, 
>> perhaps is something to think about.
> There isn't support for multithreaded processing in code yet - but one
> of the purposes of developing the recent 'pfunc' feature (in CVS atm) is
> to design in a way to do primitive processing in parallel. This will be
> possible once we have suitable scheduling in the engine, and would
> enable (for example) skinning of multiple meshes simultaneously on
> seperate threads.
> Confusingly there are 'threads' in mzscheme, but these are not real
> hardware threads - maybe still fun to play with though for some
> concurrent programming experiments.
i guess that what gerry said is also true for me :), anyway how are 
these mzscheme threads,
do they act like multiple threads but run in the same core unit?
> cheers,
> dave

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