[fluxus] 0.12b1 + cvs merge

Claude Heiland-Allen claudiusmaximus at goto10.org
Wed Jan 10 19:52:21 PST 2007

dave wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 21:03 +0000, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:
>> Javier Candeira wrote:
>>> dave wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> The first beta for 0.12 is availible (linux only):
>>>> http://www.pawfal.org/Software/fluxus/files/fluxus-0.12b1.tar.gz
>>>> You'll need to install plt from source, built with the following:
>>>> ./configure --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local/
>>>> Other than that, the dependancies are the same (without guile of course)
>>> Dave, I would like to try and rebuild my Debian/Ubuntu packages with this
>>> version, but I don't understand how this will affect the plt package.
>>> Why can't one link versus the Debian plt?
>>> -- j
>> Likewise on Gentoo, "emerge -s | grep plt" gives these:
>> dev-scheme/drscheme -- DrScheme programming environment.
>> dev-scheme/mzscheme -- MzScheme scheme compiler
>> I guess I want DrScheme?
> fluxus actually depends on mzscheme, but you'll want drscheme too

I tried to install both, drscheme installed fine, but mzscheme wouldn't 
compile.  Then I checked, and drscheme installs a mzscheme binary which 
tells me:

Welcome to MzScheme version 301, Copyright (c) 2004-2005 PLT Scheme Inc.

The other mzscheme package was version 250 or so, much older.

First thing I did was change prefix to /home/claude , which probably 
wasn't the wisest move, given the outcome..

Then I had to hack SConstruct because Gentoo's drscheme keeps its stuff in:



Then the old PNG issue cropped up:

Checking for main() in C library png... no
ERROR: 'png' must be installed!

Relevant files are found using:
pkg-config - Return metainformation about installed libraries

On my system:
$ pkg-config libpng --cflags
$ pkg-config libpng --libs

And libpng docs state you should #include <png.h> and not any variant 
like #include <libpng/png.h> ...

Then I had to change all
#include <plt/scheme.h>  -> #include <scheme.h>
#include <plt/escheme.h> -> #include <escheme.h>

Then I got:

g++ -o fluxus-0.12 src/GLEditor.o src/Interpreter.o src/Repl.o 
src/Utils.o src/Recorder.o src/FluxusMain.o src/main.o -L/usr/lib 
-L/usr/lib/drscheme/lib -L/home/claude/libfluxus -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lm 
-lpthread -ldl -lmzgc -lmzscheme -ljpeg -ltiff -lz -lpng -lode -ljack 
-lsndfile -lfftw3 -llo -lX11 -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lGLEW
/usr/lib/drscheme/lib/libmzscheme.a(env.o): In function 
: undefined reference to `GC_malloc'

plus several more pages of errrors, fixed by switching the order of 
mzsheme and mzgc in the tests (and thereby the libs linked).

scons: *** Source `/usr/lib/plt/mzdyn.o' not found, needed by target 
`modules/fluxus-audio/fluxus-audio.so'.  Stop.

-> /usr/lib/drscheme/lib/mzdyn.o

Finally 'scons' completed successfully, but I had to abort 'scons install' :

Install file: "modules/scheme/startup.scm" as 
Install file: "fluxus-0.12" as "/home/claude/bin/fluxus-0.12"
Install file: "modules/fluxus-audio/fluxus-audio.so" as 
Install file: "modules/fluxus-engine/fluxus-engine.so" as 
Install file: "modules/fluxus-osc/fluxus-osc.so" as 
Install file: "modules/scheme/fluxus-boot.scm" as 
Install file: "modules/scheme/fluxus-camera.ss" as 
Install file: "modules/scheme/fluxus-canvas.ss" as 
Install file: "modules/scheme/fluxus-input.ss" as 
Install file: "modules/scheme/fluxus-obj-import.ss" as 
[ at this point scons used a large amount of cpu time and more than my 
physical RAM of 1GB, so I killed it because my system was becoming 
sluggish due to excess swapping ]

Any ideas on this issue?

I tried running it anyway, but got:

$ ~/bin/fluxus-0.12
default-load-handler: cannot open input file: 
"/usr/local/lib/plt/collects/fluxus-0.12/fluxus-boot.scm" (No such file 
or directory; errno=2)

Naturally, having changed prefix, the file is here:



The INSTALL file still says:

guile      http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/guile.html


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