[Fluxus] 0.13b2

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Wed Aug 22 13:07:54 PDT 2007

> I saw, the glsl example wasnt working before and they are now, only thing is
> that the mesh deformation isnt being updated every-frame(though if i
> change the camera it gets updated), i think that this is
> related to that thing we discussed on irc about time and 64 bits, it is
> still ocurring in other places as well, for example, the following isnt
> working:
> (define anim
>         (rotate (vector (sin (time)) 0 0))
>         (build-cube))
> (every-frame (anim))
> neither delta now.


> One last thing while im at to not forget it, the vertical scrolling is
>  somewhat weird, i cant see the bottom where the cursor is when on a
>  large buffer(lots of text), the same with the upper part.

this could be the same problem, as the floaty text scales by delta too
now to make it framerate independent.

Could you help me by running some tests? If you uncomment #define
TEST_64BIT_TIME right at the top of Renderer.cpp and post what you get
(just committed).

FWIW this is what I get:

raw values from gettimeofday: 1187811979 729084
sizeof tv_sec: 4
usecs to seconds: 0.729084
raw values from gettimeofday: 1187811979 773363
sizeof tv_sec: 4
usecs to seconds: 0.773363

I expect the sizeof tv_sec to be 8 on your machine, but I'm not doing
anything I can see which depends on it being 32 bit - so the rest should
work also. I have had a hard day today though, so I may be missing
something stupid. Also, we had this same problem on a random mac at the
last workshop which scared me.

> A side question now, do you want to distribute binaries, i could try and
> make a "bundle" shipped with libs and a script to wrap them in order for
> fluxus to recognize it at startup, would be a *easy* way installation,
> not sure if this is intended, its up to you to decide i think if i
> should work on it or not and also if this is the proper way opposed to
> static linking.

I'm up for anything really - static linking would still work except that
fluxus-engine.so etc will still need to be separate, the location can be
set by a env var - see scratchpad-boot.scm. 

One important thing I've forgot to test is building with only mzscheme -
which should technically work, but probably wont. It would make the
dependencies much smaller (this is a problem on pure:dyne atm)



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