[Fluxus] OS X version?

Dave Griffiths dave at pawfal.org
Wed Aug 15 05:49:29 PDT 2007

> Hi guys,
> What's the status of an OS X port of the new fluxus?

I'm not sure, I know one bit that needs fixing, ReadPath() in
GLFileDialog.cpp uses glob, which needs a big #ifndef __APPLE__ around it.

It should generally build ok though I am told, and there was briefly an
OSX version of 0.12.

> I've been digging into scons, etc., with the hopes that I could pull
> such a thing off, but hopefully someone else is working on it?  I ask
> this in all innocence before taking a real stab at it...

It would be great if you could - you may notice I have changed the website
recently on this issue :)



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