[fluxus] last commit

Artem Baguinski artm at v2.nl
Tue Sep 5 07:13:25 PDT 2006


my last commit reimplements MULTITEXTURE and X11 command line
parameters via Options() which means:

1. you noly have to specify this options once, they'll get cached in
'options.cache' file and you only need to specify them again if you
want to change the value.

2. you can figure which options are available using scons -h:

[artm at hilazon HEAD]$ scons -h -Q
Found guile in /opt/fluxus

DEPS_PREFIX_PATH: a colon separated list of non-standard locations
where dependencies are installed
    default: None
    actual: /opt/local:/opt/v2:/opt/fluxus

X11: link against X11 as opposed to xorg (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: 0

MULTITEXTURE: set to 0 to force disabling of multitexture support (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: 1

Use scons -H for help about command-line options.

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