[fluxus] fluxus on osx (n-th try )

greebo greebo at wolke7.net
Wed May 17 08:51:18 PDT 2006


something is very odd with that piece of software. After playing around
for a while, I managed how to compile guile 1.8.0 for darwinports (osx):

/*what i did*/

extract the guile-1.8.0.tar.gz

./configure LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib -R/opt/local/lib'
CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include' --prefix=/opt/local/
 --infodir=/opt/local/share/info/ --mandir=/opt/local/share/man
CFLAGS="-no-cpp-precomp -Dmacosx"


sudo make install


But, if you are now trying to compile fluxus with the SConstruct file,
then it complains, that there is a missing library

/*output of Terminal.app*/

scons: *** Source `/opt/local/lib/libguile-ltdl.a' not found, needed by
target `fluxus'.  Stop.


So I looked around to get to know why THIS single thing is missing,
tried to look in the options for the configure script and thousand other
things in the net and finally found a nice comment in the cvs

"cvs remove, libguile-ltdl no longer used"

So what ? Do you use a mixture of guile 1.6 and 1.8 or how do you get
this thing compiled ?


@dan - you have to "update" the ode lib with ranlib, after this and
patching a lil bit the SConstruct file, the scons script runs fine.

patched SConstruct:

/*what i did*/

import os, os.path

Target       = "fluxus"

Prefix = "/opt/local"
Install      = Prefix + "/bin"

GuileVersionMajMin = "1.8"
GuilePrefix        = "/opt/local"
GuileDataPrefix    = GuilePrefix + "/share/guile"
GuileSchemePrefix  = GuileDataPrefix + "/" + GuileVersionMajMin

SchemePrefix = GuileSchemePrefix + "/fluxus"

LibPaths     = ["/opt/local/lib"]
# First member of each list is a library, second - a header or headers list
# to be passed to the CheckLibWithHeader(...) at configure time.
# We may add extra libraries later on per platform basis
LibList      = [["m", "math.h"],
                ["jack", "jack/jack.h"],
                ["sndfile", "sndfile.h"],
                ["guile", "guile/gh.h"],
                ["fftw3", "fftw3.h"],
                ["ode", "ode/ode.h"],
                ["lo", "lo/lo.h"],
                ["pthread", "pthread.h"],
                ["jpeg", ["stdio.h", "stdlib.h", "jpeglib.h"]],
                ["tiff", "tiff.h"],
                ["z", "zlib.h"],
                ["png", "libpng/png.h"]

IncludePaths = Split("/opt/local/include libfluxus/src libfluxphysics/src")



P.P.S if everything will work afterwards, i'd like to update the
contemporary howto for compiling on osx.


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