[fluxus] random notes

Artem Baguinski femistofel at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 04:29:40 PST 2006

hi again

some things just popup in my head as i go through documentation while  
playing with fluxus

1. this is really my thing ;-) something i wanted to have written but  
never found time

2. have you considered slightly different paren hiliting in the  
editor: to hilite not when the cursor ON the closing paren, but when  
it's one char after? like it is now after i typed the closing paren I  
have to move back to see which one was that and if i have to close  
several nested lists it's slightly annoyoing.

3. in the documentation you always say "(vector 1 0 0)", while it  
could be shorter with "#(1 0 0)". is it because you've got £ (pound  
sign) on # on british keyboards? ;-)

somehow Drafts stopped working in my Mail.app, so i'll send this as  
is and make up a new letter once i have more random popups in my mind.

thanks for this amusing application,

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