[fluxus] Quick question before i try to get myself deeper in this

Steven Norder info at zeropain.com
Sat Feb 4 21:02:40 PST 2006

I right now have a my own custom built media system with web interface /
remote interface / even a smaller web interface made for pda's.

Does multi-output. Two different way you can have two graphic/sound cards or
you can network in a 2nd machine or 3rd or even 4th to display/play the

Along with share/read files between any computer on your network.


I use mplayer to play all the video and music cause it does it very well and
has a nice slave option that I can use easily.


What I'm looking for is a way to display visualitions on the TV well I have
music playing. I seem to be able to mildly make it work with fluxus.

But I need another way to start up the scripts other then F5. I'm not sure
exactly what fluxus is all used for. 

But it honestly seems like my best bet to make this work. If anyone thinks
there is any other software out there that could do this better for me.

It would be greatly appreciated. I plan to be releasing my software open
source and all in bout 6 months or so. I just want to get a few more
features in and come up with a easier way to configure it before I do that.


Sorry if any of this has nothing to do with your software. Just trying to
figure out how to do this and it seems like yours would be the best option.
Cause I can just pump mplayer though jack and your software reads that just

I just need other ways to control your software or at the very least a way
to have it auto start a script when called. So I can just restart the script
when I need it to change or in between songs.


Thank you


Steven Norder

http://www.zeropain.com <http://www.zeropain.com/> 

http://www.themediadb.com <http://www.themediadb.com/>  



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