[fluxus] from-osc vrs. osc-msg

nik gaffney nik at fo.am
Fri Jul 22 03:04:07 PDT 2005

hi alejo

> could anyone comment on how to avoid making a mess when sending a lot of
> data from pd2fluxus?

depends what you mean by alot.
  but i use an aproach something like this.. ,

(define (osc-repl)
  (if (osc-msg "/code")
      (eval-string (osc-peek)))
  (if (osc-msg "/ping")
      (begin (display "ping... ")
  (if (osc-msg "/speed")
        (set! speed (osc 0)))
  (if (osc-msg "/spin")
        (set! spin (osc 0)))
  ;; etc++
  ;;  probaly cleaner using 'case'

which uses global variables, accessable by any functions in the fluxus
script. (yeah i know its not really schemisch, . but.. .) so from pd, just
send /speed 34.6 with the idea being that you only adjust paramters that you
choose to expose. its easier to keep track of than a huge long list, with
position information becoming semantic.

> 2nd question(related to a fluxus patch) -this patch contains the "#"
> character, i havent seen it before and when i delete it everthing breaks,
> i will like to understand its use since in this particular patch i see i
> cannot replace nay of those values by a (osc X) kindda value

the sexp #(1 2 3) is roughly (vector 1 2 3) but does not get evaluated, so
something like #(x y z) is not (vector x y z).   reader macro?!

for general info about scheme programming (in particular guile) have a look
at these refs. ,

> 3rd Q
> -can one add comments to the code? i have tryed few characters: / - # and
> \ but havent found the right one, is commenting fluxus code possible?
> it could be a nice to have "live commentaries" as in "live news" or is it

use one or more ; characters.   (its only really an issue as to how many you
use, if yr editor does autoindenting for you. )


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