[fluxus] from-osc vrs. osc-msg

alejo.duque alejo.duque at europeangraduateschool.net
Thu Jul 21 16:48:56 PDT 2005

dave, chris, james, all -hi!

its been a "/reincident_in_fluxus" summer. 
(0.7rc1 my taste with some OSC..mjamm!)

ive noticed that my naive patches for Riga were using the command (from-osc), it seems this doesnt work anymore (and the sintax changed), according to the dox file theres a new way, that looks cleaner to get OSC input-> (osc-msg).
anyways..my questions: 

1st (phps mostly a pd Q):
-Is it better to pd [pack] all in only one object and addressed it to a single -> (osc-msg "/namestring") command? 
 so to assing values all around the fluxus patch via many (osc xxx) placed here and there. or is it better, cleaner and more efficient to use different instances ala /z /zz /zzz and have the load distributed?
 could anyone comment on how to avoid making a mess when sending a lot of data from pd2fluxus? 

2nd question(related to a fluxus patch)
-this patch contains the "#" character, i havent seen it before and when i delete it everthing breaks, i will like to understand its use since in this particular patch i see i cannot replace nay of those values by a (osc X) kindda value


(start-osc "8000")
(osc-msg "/osc2")
(define (tree d)
    (rotate #(1000 30  200))
    (translate #(1 0 1))
    (scale #(1 1 1))
    (scale #(0.2 5 0.2))
    (if (eq? 0 d)
        (begin    (rotate #(0 0 45))
            (tree (- d 1))
            (rotate #(0 0 -90))
            (tree (- d 1))))
(show-axis 1)
(colour #(.1 .5 .4))
(define (loop) (tree 6))
(display (osc-peek)) (newline)
(every-frame "(loop)")


3rd Q
-can one add comments to the code? i have tryed few characters: / - # and \ but havent found the right one, is commenting fluxus code possible?
it could be a nice to have "live commentaries" as in "live news" or is it "news live" :S, whatever.. )

k, nice weekend and hopefully i improve my questions in the next email.

thanks for any advice.

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