[fluxus] Audio Input?

james tittle tigital at mac.com
Fri Jul 8 08:28:52 PDT 2005

On Jul 8, 2005, at 9:12 AM, Dave Griffiths wrote:
> I'll update to portaudio v19 on the next release so you can use  
> jack which
> is a bit easier to see whats going on (this seems a common issue)

...coincidentally, we're just finishing a move to v19 in pure data...

> Is there a case for using jack directly, or would this break the OSX
> version? Although I use jack for all my audio apps, I like being able
> start up fluxus without having to start jack first.

...shouldn't cause any problems outside of an extra dependency...jack  
on osx is available as a package installer, and the latest version  
seems to work fine (tho I haven't tested it heavily in either fluxus  
or pd)...

btw, I haven't tried the scons build system, but went ahead and made  
an upgraded xcode project for xcode 2.1:  should I commit this?  I  
don't recall any problems compiling the new stuff, but I do show that  
I've got merges needed in the following:

...I'll try to get these in asap, but should I commit the upgraded  
xcode project?  Also, as far as releasing a standalone binary (which  
will really broaden fluxus' appeal on the osx front), I've decided to  
go ahead and try to compile a "guile.framework" that fluxus will  
include within itself:  apparently it hasn't been done, but it could  
help other projects, too...


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