[Fluxus] Building with STATIC_MODULES=1

zweistecken at lopho.org zweistecken at lopho.org
Mon Oct 5 08:37:00 PDT 2015

Hi fluxus-list,

(Crosspost from github issue tracker:

Built racket 6.2.1 from source
with ```--enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local```
Compiling fluxus without ```STATIC_MODULES=1``` works fine.

With ```STATIC_MODULES=1``` the build fails. I am very much a beginner
in racket build environments etc, so I am lost at what I could do to
resolve this problem.

My goal is to build a debian package (for Debian Jessie and/or Stretch,
not Ubuntu).
Although debian has a racket package, this does not include the required
shared libraries.
I hope to circumvent having to package the rather large and complex
racket package with shared libs.

Anyways output follows:

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Fluxus: Configuring Build Environment
Checking for C library m... yes
Checking for C library pthread... yes
Checking for C library dl... yes
Checking for C library jpeg... yes
Checking for C library tiff... yes
Checking for C library freetype... yes
Checking for C library z... yes
Checking for C library bz2... yes
Checking for C library png... yes
Checking for C library ode... yes
Checking for C library sndfile... yes
Checking for C library fftw3... yes
Checking for C library lo... yes
Checking for C library GLEW... yes
Checking for C library racket3m... yes
Checking for C library jack... yes
Checking for C library GL... yes
Checking for C library GLU... yes
Checking for C library glut... yes
Checking for C library asound... yes
Checking for C library openal... yes
Checking for C function dInitODE2()... yes
Checking for C++ function lo_arg_size_check()... no
standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found
  for module path: (lib "config")
  collection: "config"
  in collection directories:
   ... [156 additional linked and package directories]




[running body]
   /usr/local/share/racket/collects/raco/raco.rkt: [running body]
ERROR: Failed to run command 'raco'

;; [ Copyright (C) 2008 Dave Griffiths : GPLv2 see LICENCE ]

(module fluxus racket

; for the moment, comment the top require/provide out and uncomment the
; lower when installing a static build of the fluxus modules

;(require (rename-in "fluxus-engine.rkt"
;					(shader-set! shader-list-set!))
;         "fluxus-audio.rkt"
;         "fluxus-osc.rkt"
;         "fluxus-midi.rkt"
;         "fluxus-openal.rkt"
;         ;"fluxus-video.rkt"

; (all-from-out "fluxus-engine.rkt")
; (all-from-out "fluxus-audio.rkt")
; (all-from-out "fluxus-osc.rkt")
; (all-from-out "fluxus-midi.rkt")
; (all-from-out "fluxus-openal.rkt")
; ;(all-from-out "fluxus-video.rkt")

(require (rename-in 'fluxus-engine
					(shader-set! shader-list-set!))

 (all-from-out 'fluxus-engine)
 (all-from-out 'fluxus-audio)
 (all-from-out 'fluxus-osc)
 (all-from-out 'fluxus-midi))



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