[Fluxus] FreeFrame path

gabor papp gabor.lists at mndl.hu
Tue May 29 05:24:48 PDT 2012

hi Roger,

do you have the ffgl tile plugin installed? it comes from the ffgl sdk. on 
the other hand, there are a lot of plugins bundled in the osx binary in 

here's an example from help rewritten with the bundles cibloom plugin that 
should work:


(define p (build-pixels 256 256 #t 2))

(define plugin (ffgl-load "cibloom" 256 256))

(with-ffgl plugin
     (ffgl-process p ; pixel primitive
         (pixels->texture p 1) ; output texture
         (pixels->texture p 0))) ; input texture

(with-primitive p
     ; the renderer of the pixelprimitive renders to texture 0
     (pixels-render-to (pixels->texture p 0))
     ; the pixel primitive is displayed using texture 1
     (pixels-display (pixels->texture p 1)))

(define (anim)
     ; set plugin parameters as keywords arguments
     (with-ffgl plugin
         (ffgl-set-parameter! #:intensity (+ .5 (* .5 (sin (time))))))

     ; render to the input pixelprimitive
     (with-pixels-renderer p
             (clear-colour #(0 .2 0))
             (scale 5)
             (rotate (vector (* 50 (time)) -17 (* -35 (time))))

(every-frame (anim))

> I appended the path of my FF's plugin folder with (set-searchpaths ...) 
> but keep getting the error.  I reckon the problem is on the FF-plugin 
> name, since my plugins (Pete's) are named with a .frf extension, not 
> with .bundle.  But I don't know how to fix that.  Is there any way to 
> tell Fluxus to look for .frf and not for .bundle?
.frf won't work. it should be a .dylib or a plugin bundle. what's more 
Pete's plugins are FF 1.0 cpu plugins, while fluxus only supports FF 1.5 
(FFGL), which are gpu plugins. but you can find many plugins in the 
fluxus.app as i mentioned already. or you can compile them yourself from 


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