[Fluxus] extrusion, origin, unlit

Kassen signal.automatique at gmail.com
Sat May 26 03:55:01 PDT 2012

On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 06:48:08AM +0200, gabor papp wrote:
> hi Kassen,
> thanks. it seems like this (hint-origin), (hint-unlit) state leak bug:
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?29818

Whoops, I should have checked that. You can imagine I was a bit
surprised when my project suddely turned blue so I didn't think of how
it could have been noticed before,
> it's about two years old, so maybe it's time to find a fix now.

Maybe, yes :-). At least it seems mostly harmless.

Build-extrusion has some more issues, I noticed. The normals behave a
bit odd for my states, and there is one case where they are clearly
wrong. If you make a extrusion based on build-circle-points then a
texture applied to it will apply correctly, except for one "section"
which will apply the same texture except flipped left-right. This can
be fixed by appending the car of the circle-points list to this list.
However, in that case the normals at the spot where the circle
start/ends will be.

I have a example of this, forming a bottle with a label, but the lable
texture is a bit bigger than what I'd send to the list.


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