[Fluxus] plt-zscheme or Racket?

gcr gcr at sneakygcr.net
Fri May 11 09:34:19 PDT 2012

(Sorry for the possible duplicate; I always forget which email to

Hey there! I'm on Arch and fluxus works great, even with the
latest Racket. Here's a quick overview of how I got it working:

- I'm using the 'racket-git' package from AUR. The only change I
  made was to add the '--enabled-shared' flag to the PKGBUILD.
  This gives me the (unreleased) latest Racket, just installed to
  /usr as usual. Works fine with no patches.

  $ racket --version
  Welcome to Racket v5.3.0.5.
  $ which racket
  $ pacman -Ql racket-git | grep '.so$'
  racket-git /usr/lib/libracket3m-
  racket-git /usr/lib/libracket3m.so

- I built Fluxus from source using latest git. I didn't use the
  AUR Fluxus package (the AUR, if I recall, downloads a very
  out-of-date version from some tarball somewhere). Instead, I
  wish to install fluxus in my homedir:

  cd /tmp
  git clone git://git.savannah.nongnu.org/fluxus.git
  cd fluxus
  scons RacketPrefix=/usr Prefix=/home/michael/fluxus

  # rm -rf .scon* # Sometimes scons gets confused. This clears the cache if that happens.

  scons RacketPrefix=/usr Prefix=/home/michael/fluxus install

The only problem with building fluxus is that gcc complains about
some convertMatrixToOpenGL call. You can just change that to
this->convert.... (see my earlier email) and it works just fine.

I forget what other dependencies fluxus depends on, but racket's
the only one that gave me trouble. The rest can be installed
through the official repos or AUR or whatever.

Now I can run fluxus like this:
$ ~/fluxus/bin/fluxus

And if you want to remove everything, you can just rm -rf
fluxus/; pacman -Rns racket-git and it's all gone.

Hope that helps! :)

One hour ago, Carlos Alegria wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to get fluxus working on Arch 64 bits.  I first tried to use the
> packages from AUR, but none of them seems to be working for me:
> -          The package fluxus  builds against plt-zscheme via the package
> drscheme360, which uses a plt-zscheme code downloaded from
> http://download.plt-scheme.org/bundles/360/plt/plt-360-src-unix.tgz. After
> making some patches on the code I was able to build plt-zscheme, but Fluxus
> does not seem to find the libraries created by drscheme360, as it shows me
> an error saying that mzscheme needs to be installed during its compilation:
> scons: Reading SConscript files ...
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Fluxus: Configuring Build Environment
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Checking for C library m... yes
> Checking for C library pthread... yes
> Checking for C library dl... yes
> Checking for C library mzscheme3m... no
> ERROR: 'mzscheme3m' must be installed!
> ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
>     Aborting...
> I have used the "--enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local" flags as specified on
> the Fluxus compilation documentation, but I have not been able to get it
> work. I also tried to compile the latest 4.x zscheme code, but I am not able
> to do it because of a segmentation fault error during compilation.
> -          The package fluxus-git retrieves the latest code from the git
> repository and uses racket instead of zscheme, but there is an error while
> applying some patches for a segfault error.
> I would like to know what is the preferred way tom compile Fluxus now,
> before continuing on my compilation attempts. As for the latest stable
> release, according to the documentation I should be using plt-zscheme, but I
> have read on the mail lists that it seems that racket is already supported
> on the fluxus latest code from the git repository. Also, I'll appreciate
> some help if there is some one that is actually using fluxus on Arch 64bit.
> Thanks a lot!!

Take care,

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